Friday, November 14, 2008

Learning Affiliate marketing #4

It may not seem or sound like a lot, but this entire week was devoted to my online advertising campaign. In a nutshell, I completed my press release, completed the formatting of my opt-in Email, and submitted an article regarding my website for distribution.
Press Release
Believe it or not, the press release took me a long time to write. If you haven't noticed, I am not a writer. The head line part and header were easy, basically describing your site and its name and location. The body is where I ran into a wall, so I went searching for press releases. My first mistake was I went to Google Press Releases, thinking it would be regular business type press releases. Wrong, it was press releases from Google on new things that they were involved with, no help at all, I wanted to see regular business press release to give me ideas on how and what to put in the body of my press release. I searched through 24 pages of press releases before finding one that was somewhat similar to what I wanted. The problem was most of it was a technical thing, so I decided to write one the same way I write this blog. I'll let you know how it worked out.
Opt-in Email
This was easier, but no walk in the park. I had to come up with a subject line for the email. It has to be short, to the point, something that would attract the readers attention, and something that did not look like a typical advertisement thing. It's harder than you think, especially when you want to be honest and not just try to trick someone into opening it, I hate that on my email. I decided to be honest and just wrote,"The consumer electronics you want to have".
The next part was the body, again it has to be short, to the point and informational.I thought about it for awhile and again decided to just be straight forward, and gave a short list of specific items, and the save money time and gas thing, shop at my website. I don't know how well of if it will work, but I will be able to sleep nights, not feeling like I lied or tricked someone. I know, I have to be able to get-a-way from that type of thinking and look at it like I am helping people make up their minds.
The Article
This was the easiest of the three, as I had already written several articles. I just edited them abit, made some changes and added some things and it was done. I sent everything to the marketing company I am using, and now I wait for several days and see what happens.
I am not referring anyone to the marketing company I am using due to two reasons. First, I want to see exactly what kind of job they do for me. I have to feel good about them before I will recommend them to anyone, or at least be able to give the positive or negatives. So far, I am impressed with them, they answer my emails quickly are helpful and supportive. The second reason is, I am trying to get into their affiliate program.
To end this, I am currently just waiting to see how the advertisement goes and am kicking around idea's for another website. I am leaning towards some kind of E-book type thing, just not sure of exactly what. To be an affiliate again, or to set up my own E-book's and promote myself. If you have any ideas on which is better,or easier, let me know.
As always, any comments, suggestions, or just hate mail, let me know. However, anything that is in really bad taste, I will delete it, but everything else good or bad goes up.

TBD Associates Electronic Stores

Thanks again,

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